Child Protection Policy

KEFALOS HOTELS and its staff have the duty of care to safeguard all children staying at their premises. Kefalos
Hotels Child Protection Policy and commitment is to protect the rights of children, with regard to their physical
and mental balance, including their protection from abuse and sexual exploitation.
KEFALOS HOTELS will ensure the safety and protection of all children through adherence to the Child
Protection guidelines adopted by the hotels.

All the staff of the Kefalos Hotels may find themselves witnessing a form of abuse, seeing suspicious physical
marks or concerning behavior(s) by a child or through being informed of an alleged abuse by the child directly
or indirectly. Procedures are in place to enable the staff member to escalate any concerns they may have,
which in turn will be reported to the appropriate authority. Reporting an allegation of child abuse is a very
serious thing and should be considered carefully, however taking no action is not an option in child protection.

Guidance to Staff

The following general principles are to be adhered to by all staff:

  • If staff, become aware of an issue with regard to child protection, either through direct observation of
    abuse or if it is brought to their notice, or if they have any cause for concern, they must treat this as a
    priority, and address it immediately.
  •  If staff wishes to seek advice with regard to a specific incident or area of concern, they may consult the
    Head of department or the Duty Manager
  • It is the responsibility of any staff member to report any concerns with regard to child safety to their Head
    of department or Manager on Duty.
  • Duty Manager or Head of department reports concern to Commissioner for Children’s Rights for discussion
    and possible referral to appropriate authority